You want to bursting!
Get ready to embark on a journey of joy, energy, freedom and relaxation in your life and career!
My name is Vlada Lisinenko, a transformational coach and artist. I am so excited to share with you the incredible Laughter Academy, which I have developed and brought to life to bring the spark of laughter forward!
Bring a fresh spark to your event by combining all these ingredients for any occasion: corporate, conference, birthday or wedding.
Unleash your human potential by taking part in the Breath as Medicine program. Also available online.
Special thematic events
Incorporate events
Parties (birthday, wedding)
Find more information about this workshop via the link below.
Special thematic events
Incorporate events
Parties (birthday, wedding)
Find more information about the Caricature via the link below.
Breath as Medicine program
Breath & Laughter program
Send an enquiry if you are interested to start a program in April.
The founder of The New Breathwork® and also founder of the Breathing Academy Netherlands is Marleen van den Hout, author, speaker and teacher.
The New Breathwork® offers a practical way to nurture your well-being at all levels of your existence to be happy and healthy from within. It embraces life's challenges and opportunities. This approach integrates body-, awareness- and healing work and reinforces the fundamentals of breathwork. You gain the ability to explore and understand the multifaceted nature of your breath, allowing you to unleash its full potential for different purposes and in every aspect of your life.
This breathwork brings your attention low in your body, in the still point in your small pelvis (between hips, tailbone and pubic bone).
Breathing from your pelvis lays a foundation for inner peace, deeply felt confidence, a healthy body and healthy mind. This clears your head and calms you; space is created to perceive what is happening in and around you. You see through yourself at an ever deeper level, you learn to let go of your barriers and unfold your pure self.
The New Breathwork® teaches you to listen to your heart, decide from your underbelly and let yourself be guided by your higher self.
Experience the incredible benefits of laughter to your health and wellbeing.
Laughter not only strengthens your immune system and reduces stress, but it also boosts your mood, increases connection with others and your inner yourself.
Breathe out all your tension, an (old) pain and stress, and breath in peace and tranquility. Let it transform your life for the more satisfaction and joy.
Of course, even for me it is a valuable experience to see how people open up.
However, it is mostly up to them to describe their own part in this happening.
'Itwas liberating to laugh and released tension in the body resulted in beautiful tears.
I have never laughed as that free ever before.'
'A fantastic experience. Very relaxing and liberating.'
'Exciting, interesting and fun!'
'This was indeed a new experience, that actually felt more beneficial than I imagined it would do!
For example, I felt myself right at the beginning grounded and present, and by the end of the workshop I had way less pain in my back.
This is definitely partially because you feel so safe in Vlada's presence, and also because of the practice inself.
Big recommend!'
'My body is more relaxed, I can breath deeper.'
'While laughing, sadness appeared. Then it dropped as if by itself.'
Inspire yourself to connect even more with the inner spark in yourself, to experience your authentic self-expression, to unleash your potential. Take the lead in your own life and joy in your work!
Disclamer and credits:
Part of the photographic material on this website was taken by Denise van den Broek during the Tibetan Healing Festival 2023 in Emmen, the Netherlands. All copyrights for this specific photographic material are held by the Museum of Contemporary Art and Denise van den Broek.